Luka Sadar - COTRUGLI

Luka Sadar

“COTRUGLI was exactly what I have needed at that point to fill me with appropriate business practices and knowledge how to handle special cases. It has filled me up with all the confidence to be able to face all challenges which came with the new position.”

As a person with engineering background I was responsible to provide measurable results. And as a person with affinity to sales and business development I wanted to make a change, moving from »safe« environment of R&D to »uncomfortable« zone in sales.

It was already clear to me at that point that same approach practiced in R&D will not work in sales. Especially not with the biggest costumers where initial communication and discussion will not involve only R&D and procurement people, but also marketing, product development, sales, legal and senior management.

How to approach each situation, how to manage all these challenges?

I needed a tool – an education/coaching program which would allow me to balance new working position with all the courses. COTRUGLI was obvious decision as it meet with all demands I had.

Courses and lecturers were a completely new world for me. It was exactly what I have needed at that point to fill me with appropriate business practices, knowledge how to handle special cases, how to approach people and to be able to open my mind and think about what opposite side or even my own colleagues are thinking. How to listen and not only how to speak. It taught me to rethink over things which seems to be clear, but they are not. And having integrity is already win on its own.

It has filled me up with all the confidence to be able to face all challenges which came with the new position. After almost two years and countless business trips, meetings, discussions, negotiations worldwide it is clear that attending COTRUGLI bus was the right decision to make.

I have to mention all the wonderful colleagues who made this 2-year journey to be one of the best experiences I had until know. Every day was something new and I have learned from each of them at least as much I got from courses/lectures. Thank you, guys, and thanks to COTRUGLI to make it happen.