“Not only that COTRUGLI with their respective portfolio of lecturers are source of new knowledge but collaboration with colleagues and friendships that I’ve made during studies are priceless.”
At the time when I was applying for EMBA program at COTRUGLI (2017) I was just 28 years old.
Whole thing happened “by accident”. Year before I went with my colleagues on an over-weekend module on topic of Digital transformation not knowing that 3 years after I’ll be leading whole department in charge of Digital transformation and Innovation in our company.
What should have been only once-off education became an unforgettable 2 years’ experience as I decided to apply for 2 years EMBA program. I knew I would like to have more of what COTRUGLI has to offer and I’m very happy of that decision. Not only that COTRUGLI with their respective portfolio of lecturers are source of new knowledge but collaboration with colleagues and friendships that I’ve made during studies are priceless.
For sure it was challenging to balance work and private life with obligations on EMBA studies but all the effort in the end pays off. Cool thing is that you get some new ideas that you can plug & play in your organisation immediately but also to receive knowledge that will help you on your long run throughout carrier.
On top of everything, COTRUGLI is constantly following new trends (at the moment blockchain) and it’s really cool that you have opportunity to work with COTRUGLI team also after finishing formal part of journey.