Vanja Pajić - COTRUGLI

Vanja Pajić

“Looking back, COTRUGLI MBA program gave me the confidence to create my own path in the world of business. It gave me the tools to plan, implement and evaluate every business decision on my road to financial and personal success.”

It was my passion for learning that first drew me to COTRUGLI Business School but the MBA program I took gave me so much more – it connected me to an exciting new environment full of interesting and intelligent young people with different backgrounds and professional goals.

Most of my COTRUGLI classmates – myself included – were at the very beginning of our career paths when we entered the MBA programme. Seven years later, we are all accomplished professionals, trusted experts and invaluable decision-makers in our respective fields.

During our MBA studies, we have broadened our business-related knowledge and gained the experience needed to give 100% in every professional situation. More importantly, we also grew in understanding, tolerance and trust in others. Often, it is not the content of learning – but the values that you gain from learning and the people you meet on the way – that are the most crucial factors in becoming a professional.

From being a junior project manager in the civil service to starting my own business as a senior healthcare consultant for various European and international organizations, my career was shaped by the values I gained from COTRUGLI.

Building my business around services that people really need – and doing it well, is something that stayed with me since my days at COTRUGLI. The MBA program’s high ethical standards of doing business the right way, not only towards your clients and shareholders but also towards a wider community, still echo clearly in my mind as I try to stand by them in every possible business situation.

Looking back, COTRUGLI MBA program gave me the confidence to create my own path in the world of business. It gave me the tools to plan, implement and evaluate every business decision on my road to financial and personal success. It did so in an enjoyable way, always meeting my professional needs exceeding my personal expectations.

Years after graduating from COTRUGLI, the feeling of being a part of possibly the largest growing community of business professionals still inspires me and gives me that extra motivation to always give my very best.

As classroom lessons translated to business knowledge, and colleagues became friends and partners, so we too grew as persons. Because of that, COTRUGLI is a school where ideas are become reality