Vlatka Šrajbek - COTRUGLI

Vlatka Šrajbek

“COTRUGLI Business School EMBA program has equipped me well for all challenges that are yet to come.”

Executive MBA program at COTRUGLI Business School was a transformational experience.  

When enrolled programme I had 16+ years of experience in different industries, mostly services, ranging from real estate and facility management to accounting and tax advisory. Working for different local, regional and global companies from early age, gained me valuable and diverse experience. 

So, I already experienced both great success and a painful failure, followed by business stabilisation after restructuring, when my drive for constant learning and commitment to personal development have brought me to COTRUGLI. 

Why COTRUGLIProgram covers the needs of middle and top executives and gathers people from SEE creating unique networking platform. That was just what I needed, after working few years in Adriatic region as a CFO of a major International service company. I decided to enrol COTRUGLI as I wanted to widen the horizon and give my profile additional dimension. 

At the same time when I started the program, I took new challenge of new job and joined company in different industry. That was tough but gave me the opportunity for exponential growth and application of newly acquired knowledge. 

The program fulfilled my expectations. I consolidated my existing knowledge, learned many new things and improved various skills. But the opportunity to share experience and learn from peers on a real examples and case studies, makes this program so attractive. 

The biggest impact program had on me is in the area of leadership skills. Boosting my awareness of myself and of my impact on other people surrounding me was the biggest eye opener 

Confirmation for this I received in three consecutive years being recognized as Personal Leadership Ambassador by my peers and managers. 

I have discovered my passion for leadership by development of people, so I created Finance Acumen Training in SEE regionThis form of leading without an authority is a best example of a personal leadership one could be recognized for. 

My passion for lecturing and teaching was also recognized by Vern University where I hold lecture in Business Communication module. My passion for continuous development pushed me to enrol a Certified yoga teacher’s training as mindfulness is one of most precious virtues. The benefits of mindfulness are very much needed in today’s dynamic environment. Finding a purpose in a life makes also leadership meaningful. I have discovered mine in combination of mindfulness and leadership. 

I am truly grateful to all my colleagues who have unselfishly shared their experience. Many thanks also to our teachers; most of all to prof. Mike George, prof. Davide Sola and prof Anthony J. Evans. I must point out also Terence Tsea guy who can explain the most complex finance in a very simple way and to prof. Nicolas Kfuri for rounding this journey with Advanced Management Module. 

At the end I would conclude that COTRUGLI Business School EMBA program has equipped me well for all challenges that are yet to come. I added to my experience the capability of running a business on a global scale. 

I developed my leadership style and continued to work on my inner strengths.  

If my story inspires at least one person to go for a personal development and to enrol the program, I would be really happy as I have positively impacted one life – someone’s whole world.