Tokom više od dve decenije COTRUGLI poslovna škola je na čelu razvoja bolje i održive budućnosti u Jugoistočnoj Evropi.
Sa čvrstim verovanjem da su planeta, ljudi i profit podjednako važni, COTRUGLI poslovna škola se posvetila obrazovanju lidera koji sprovode ovaj holistički pristup poslovanju.

Jedna od ključnih inicijativa koje je COTRUGLI Beograd pokrenuo za 2023. godinu je COTRUGLI Challenge.
COTRUGLI Challenge prepoznaje ogroman potencijal u regionu i ima za cilj da osnaži talentovane pojedince koji teže da ostave pozitivan uticaj. Putem ovog prilagođenog programa stipendiranja, stotine lidera u Srbiji i regiji su već imale dobrobiti od znanja, veština i mreža koje COTRUGLI poslovna škola nudi.

U eri pred nama tehnologija, naročito AI igraće ključnu ulogu u oblikovanju industrija i ekonomije.
Sa fokusom na digitalne tehnologije, inovacije i razvoj liderstva, COTRUGLI EMBA program će vas pripremiti za lični i poslovni rast u predstojećem novom, ekstremno brzo evoluirajućem, poslovnom okruženju.

Osim toga, EMBA program ide pruža više od kombinacije tehničkog, menadžerskog i liderskog znanja, program neguje i duboko razumevanje održivih praksi i etičkog liderstva.



Razvijaćete svoje poslovne kompetencije kroz uzbudljiv proces selekcije.

2012-09-15 16.57.39-2

Povezaćete se sa zajednicom profesionalaca koji dele vašu strast prema rastu.


Pomerićete svoje granice i proširiti svoje razumevanje o potencijalima vaše karijere i ličnog rasta.

Prilika da se upišete na vodeći Executive MBA program na
prostoru Jugoistočne Evrope uz popust od 30%


COTRUGLI Challenge je prilika za ambiciozne pojedince koji strastveno žele da naprave
napredak u svojoj karijeri za dobrobit sebe, svoje porodice, firme i društva u celini.




Popunite našu online prijavu.
Naša Komisija za prijem će pregledati vašu prijavu u roku od pet radnih dana.
Savet: Prijavite se ranije kako biste izbegli gužvu i povećali svoje šanse za uspeh


Ako budete izabrani za naredni krug, bićete pozvani na proces selekcije.
Ovo je vaša prilika da nam pokažete zašto ste savršen kandidat za program


Nakon završetka procesa selekcije, Komisija za prijem će doneti svoju odluku. Ako uspešno prođete ovaj korak, dobićete sniženu školarinu od 30%.
Savet: Ovo je vaša prilika da nam pokažete vašu posvećenost i predanost ličnom i profesionalnom razvoju.


Na osnovu procene profesionalnih i individualnih dostignuća svakog kandidata, kao i utisaka prikupljenih tokom procesa prijema, Komisija za prijem će izabrati kandidate koji će dobiti sniženu školarinu od 30% i postati studenti nove Executive MBA generacije za 2024. godinu.


Pobednici su obavezni da prate standarde i pravila povezana sa svim obrazovnim programima na COTRUGLI poslovnoj školi, kao i da promovišu vrednosti COTRUGLI poslovne škole putem svojih izuzetnih akademskih dostignuća i opšteg etičkog ponašanja.

Napomena: Kada se prijavite za COTRUGLI Challenge, slažete se da se svi materijali napravljeni tokom procesa mogu koristiti u promotivne svrhe COTRUGLI poslovne škole.
Politika COTRUGLI poslovne škole je da ne objavljuje bilo kakve informacije koje bi otkrivale status kandidata.
COTRUGLI snažno osuđuje bilo kakvu vrstu diskriminacije u svojim programima i aktivnostima, uključujući versku, seksualnu, etničku i nacionalnu diskriminaciju


Aleksandar Pavlović It was an amazing experience to see your colleagues and yourself grow, both as individuals and professionals during the EMBA journey and progressing in life and careers. BE-terna Senior Business Development Manager Ana Pajović COTRUGLI is broadening your boundaries in acquiring knowledge and turning ideas into real business plans. 2. I got important business contacts and friends for life!‚Äù A great journey with lifetime friends and positive energy! ADOC DOO Senior Business Development Lead Branko Mitrović I have started COTRUGLI as one of the directors in Telenor. COTRUGLI helped me a lot with this achievement and I believe that it will help me even more in the future One Crna Gora Chief Executive Officer Damjan Đokić COTRUGLI EMBA provided me with the knowledge and skills necessary to overcome short and long-term business challenges. The faculty, together with my colleagues, inspired me to become a better leader within the organization I work in. Marso Gume d.o.o. Managing Director Đorđe Mirković Regional networking, interactive lectures organized locally and programs with accurate information are advantages of COTRUGLI's EMBA program. PODSTICAJI d.o.o Project Manager / IPARD Consultant / EBRD senior adviser Đorđe Živanović The main benefit of finishing the EMBA program is that I now have the knowledge and possibility to consider business challenges from many different perspectives. KONE NEB VB Executive Sales Manager
for Serbia, Montenegro & North Macedonia
Dragan Pejčić COTRUGLI combines excellent academics, a state-of-the-art curriculum, and flexible class and exam schedules with brilliant students from a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. BDO Business Advisory Director, Strategic & Other Advisory Emina Azizi COTRUGLI provides technical knowledge but more importantly, it provides self-knowledge, both on your own and interacting with others. McCann Beograd Regional Account Director Filip Nedić Regional networking, interactive lectures organized locally and programs with accurate information are advantages of COTRUGLI's EMBA program. Medimpex Jamaica Ltd & Medimpex West Indies Managing Director Igor Panin COTRUGLI gave me a great opportunity to absorb new knowledge from excellent worldwide professors and to share knowledge with my fellow students. Quality Austria Center General Manager Ivan Kudinov The COTRUGLI EMBA program allowed me to assess my professional capabilities and be ready for new challenges. NIS a.d. Novi Sad Brand control expert Ivan Stevanović My personal ambition for constant professional growth was the reason why I started with the COTRUGLI EMBA program which turned out to be a great move. Richter Gedeon Representative Field Force Manager Ivana Ćećez I had the opportunity to implement what I learned in the modules the very next day at my job. That was a wonderful daily practice, especially useful in the development of my leadership skills. The Janssen Pharmaceutical
Companies of Johnson & Johnson
Project Manager
Jelena Ignjatović There is no such business school in the region that gathers so many different business leaders. IQVIA Project Leadership Director Jelena Porej The COTRUGLI EMBA program has provided me with an opportunity to obtain new, applicable skills and broader business knowledge, as well as a holistic approach to understanding and solving business problems. Limo Anywhere General Manager Jelena Todosijević COTRUGLI MBA program's true value lies in the people with invaluable life and professional experiences. Imagine being surrounded by people exuding optimism, ambition, and passion for work and life, people who always put their team first. Apart from teaching you how to perform a task in a more efficient way, they also teach you something more important - the key value of teamwork in the attainment of your life goals! Ministry of European Integration Account/Relationship Manager
International Programmes Coordinator
Database Coordinator
Jovana Ivanović COTRUGLI is a large network of knowledge, experience, ideas, and positive energy from all industries and countries in the region. Coca-Cola HBC People and Culture Director Maja Majkić Responsible for personal improvement, knowledge, and visibility in the business world with the doze of fun and experience, COTRUGLI is the goal that must be present in the life of everyone who wants more. UniCredit Bank Serbia Leading Expert of Content and Innovative Communication Marko Sekulić The EMBA program enabled me to make a more thorough and systematic approach to many challenges I am facing in everyday work. COTRUGLI also gave me the opportunity to connect with colleagues from different business areas and different countries and exchange views and experiences. Optimapharm Business Development Director Marko Živanović MBA is an unusual acronym for Knowledge, Experience, and Fun, but that is what you will get from it. COTRUGLI Business School is a great place to get it with a global approach and regional flavor. Attending MBA, next to a full-time job, is not easy, still, I am very happy that I have done it and sure of the long-term benefits that will be gained from it. Yinson Group Reward Manager Maša Bošan The EMBA program is my best investment. Besides expanding and transforming my global perspectives, I could not realize that I can learn and have so much fun with my classmates. The program gave me new ideas, and self-confidence, and empowered me to learn and share my knowledge. I truly recommend it. Dominion Voting Systems Product Manager Milan Milošević The biggest advantage of the COTRUGLI EMBA program is that you are surrounded by colleagues from different companies with different experiences, gaining not only friends for a lifetime but also knowledge of how they handle business as usual and strategically thinking for the future. Telekom Srbija CTO Advisor Miloš Marković The MBA program at COTRUGLI helped me grow as a person and improve my perspective. Siemens Head of Sales Mina Mićanović Being a part of the scholarship process at COTRUGLI Business School is a unique experience that fills you with positive energy, and great ideas and enriches you with new friendships that continue to live even when you close the door of the school. Poslovna Inteligencija General Manager and partner Mirjana Rosić COTRUGLI is valuable because leading adaptive change would be immeasurably more difficult if I had tried to do it alone. Each colleague at School has relationships, allegiances, and political capital with people in other organizations whose support I may need to make further progress. AD IMLEK TT Channel Sales Analyst Mladen Ostojić The quality of participants and interactive teamwork approach to learning guarantees huge possibilities of networking between participants from which their business can benefit. Generali Senior Project Manager CEE Head Office (Sales, Human Resources, Digital Transformation, Operations) Nađa Kureš The COTRUGLI EMBA program exposed me to a broad spectrum of business topics, expanding my professional competencies and confidence to advance my career. IBM EMEA Digital Sales COO Nikola Mikavica I feel much more confident in my business environment. As an entrepreneur, the biggest advantage is a large network of new friends and new business possibilities Goldcut Founder and CEO