COTRUGLI Alumni Success Story: Vedran Glogović School news - COTRUGLI
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COTRUGLI Alumni Success Story: Vedran Glogović

Discover the inspiring journey of Vedran Glogović, an esteemed COTRUGLI alumnus from the MBA 1 generation, who has transitioned from a successful corporate career to becoming a dedicated Career Advisor and Consultant at Game of Jobs. After more than 16 years of experience in the field of human resources, primarily in recruitment and employer branding at national, regional, and global levels, Vedran decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. As he emphasizes today, it was one of the best decisions in his career.

Join us as we delve into Vedran’s remarkable story, highlighting his accomplishments, insights, and the impact of his partnership with COTRUGLI Business School.

Career at COTRUGLI Business School

Another excellent decision at the start of his career, Vedran says, was to work at COTRUGLI Business School and complete the COTRUGLI internationally accredited MBA program. He has fond memories of COTRUGLI and his first professional achievements: buying his first shirt and suit, interesting business trips, leading a scholarship project in Bulgaria, his first trip outside of Europe, successful implementation of HR consulting projects for corporate clients, and, of course, the unforgettable socializing and networking that come with the MBA experience at COTRUGLI.

Professional achievements

During his corporate career, Vedran personally conducted over 2,000 selection interviews and independently or with a team, hired over 350 candidates from Croatia, the region, or the world, mostly in the IT sector. As an internal trainer, he has educated over 120 Talent Acquisition specialists from the EMEA region, India, and Argentina. He is proud of his business network and the successful implementation of a relocation strategy for one of his former employers. He highlights that he has gone through the ups and downs in IT and other competitive industries, experiencing all the advantages and disadvantages of working in companies of various sizes and aspirations. “Having a successful corporate career is great. But being and remaining YOURSELF and HUMAN throughout your professional journey is an even greater success and a better feeling at the end of the day”, emphasizes Vedran.

Through Game of Jobs, he helps everyone who wants to find their first or better job by providing specific advice in the selection process. This often includes optimizing CVs, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and assisting in interview preparation and negotiation for a better offer.

He also works intensively with existing and future entrepreneurs, teaching them how to quickly reach their first or additional clients through an optimized LinkedIn strategy, that helps them also to develop a professional personal brand.

Message to potential clients

To his potential clients, he delivers the following message: “Dare to step out of your comfort zone and explore a world of unlimited possibilities and excitement waiting to be discovered. I am certain that each of you has the potential for something ‘greater,’ which satisfies even more criteria on your priority list. Do not settle for the security of your current job, but regularly question the status quo, continuously work on your personal and professional development, and be ready to take concrete actions. If you sometimes feel discomfort and a healthy dose of fear, it simply means you are on the right path of breaking out of existing boundaries and uncovering what is possible. Remember – when it comes to managing your career and business development, destiny doesn’t play a significant role; you are the one in control, and it is crucial to make all the moves in the right way.

  • If you need professional assistance in the job search process, interview preparation, or salary/raise negotiation, feel free to reach out with confidence
  • If you already run your own company or are starting your entrepreneurial journey, I will gladly teach you how to quickly acquire your first or additional clients through an optimized LinkedIn strategy.
  • If you are still “searching,” I will assist you with proven techniques in defining the optimal career path that will leverage your potentials and fulfill you in the right way. 
  • As a corporate client, I can help you identify and hire key employees who will provide added value or prepare targeted HR education tailored to your specific needs”.

Partnership with COTRUGLI Business School

In addition to running his own company, Vedran also works as a business development mentor for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs as part of the BOND2 EU project for HAMAG-BICRO and as a lecturer for Plavi Ured. He happily highlights the recently established partnership between COTRUGLI Business School and Game of Jobs as one of the business initiatives.

(Un)known about Vedran

Above and beyond work, Vedran finds happiness in numerous other things. 

  • He describes himself as an eternal optimist, a proud left-hander in a right-handed world, a family man, and an advocate for a good work-life balance
  • After living in Zagreb for many years, he recently moved with his wife and two children to Samobor to enjoy nature, hiking, horticulture, and spend time away from the city bustle
  • He never managed to solve a Rubik’s Cube but successfully changed diapers for both children in less than 30 seconds
  • Strives to start each day with a smile, pranayama, and physical exercise, and he is happiest when playing with Lego bricks with his children or seeing the garden progress naturally

You can contact him via LinkedIn or at [email protected], and you can also arrange a free introductory conversation at to determine if he can assist you with his Career Advisory and LinkedIn consulting services.
